pup – CORAL 2 green (kink fetish)

Fetish Vector Hanky Code Arrow for pup fetish / CORAL 2 green


Fetish Vector Hanky Code: CL2gn
fetish ( kink )
pup (handler, pups, owners)
pup owner
passive (right/down)

Fetish Vector Arrow for pup  | CORAL 2 green

Fetish Vector color(s)
CORAL 2 green
FetVector abbrev
CL 2 gn

Explore pup Fetish Vector

pup owner – active role

“FetVector UP” means “active” with the fetish vector arrow pointing UP indicating pup owner

Click to generate a pup owner FETatar (FETish avATAR)

puppy passive role

“FetVector DOWN” means “passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing DOWN indicating puppy

Click to generate a puppy FETatar (FETish avATAR)

Popper recommendations

pup kinksters typically prefer super 96 ,Locker Room

pup Switch??

If you are a pup SWITCH guess what? Fetish Vector omni directional arrows let you flag your hanky colors alongside everyone! While most kinksters will use an UP or DOWN arrow, if you are versatile flagging pup owner SWITCH or puppy SWITCH is as simple pointing the arrow left or right!

pup owner SWITCH – (Versatile pup , leaning active role)

“FetVector Left” means “switch leaning passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing Left indicating pup owner SWITCH

Click to generate a pup owner SWITCH FETatar (FETish avATAR)

puppy SWITCH (Versatile leaning passive role)

“FetVector Right” means “switch leaning passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing Right indicating puppy SWITCH

Click to generate a puppy SWITCH FETatar (FETish avATAR)

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