Fetish Vector Hanky Code: RD2bl
Explore Temperature Fetish Vector
temp control – active role
“FetVector UP” means “active” with the fetish vector arrow pointing UP indicating temp control
Click to generate a temp control FETatar (FETish avATAR)
temp receiver passive role
“FetVector DOWN” means “passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing DOWN indicating temp receiver
Click to generate a temp receiver FETatar (FETish avATAR)
Popper recommendations
Temperature kinksters typically prefer Jungle Juice PLATINUM ,Double Scorpio BLACK
Temperature Switch??
If you are a Temperature SWITCH guess what? Fetish Vector omni directional arrows let you flag your hanky colors alongside everyone! While most kinksters will use an UP or DOWN arrow, if you are versatile flagging temp control SWITCH or temp receiver SWITCH is as simple pointing the arrow left or right!
temp control SWITCH – (Versatile Temperature , leaning active role)
“FetVector Left” means “switch leaning passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing Left indicating temp control SWITCH
Click to generate a temp control SWITCH FETatar (FETish avATAR)
temp receiver SWITCH (Versatile leaning passive role)
“FetVector Right” means “switch leaning passive” with the fetish vector arrow pointing Right indicating temp receiver SWITCH
Click to generate a temp receiver SWITCH FETatar (FETish avATAR)